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Life-Size Pin Art (Images courtesy FashionistaBarbieUK)
By Andrew Liszewski

While they're more commonly used as a way for prepubescent boys to leave an imprint of their middle finger behind in novelty stores, those pin art desk toys are occasionally an amusing way to kill a few minutes at work. And when blown up to full-scale, a clever way to advertise your fashion brand.

That's what Lulu Guinness did with this giant pin art display which encouraged people to 'Be a Pin Up!' themselves. If you had a real-life wayback machine you could travel back to last month and experience it for yourself under the St. John's Gate in Central London, where it was on display as part of Clerkenwell's Design Week. But now we're going to assume it's sitting on top of Lulu Guinness' equally gigantic desk, next to a monstrous version of Newton's Cradle which could demolish a building.

[ Fashionista Barbie - Clerkenwell Design Week: Lulu Guinness - Be a Pin Up! ] VIA [ TDW Geeks & Illuminations and Other Stuff ]